Author Archives: Petya Raykovska

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.

#WCEU Video: Stefan Kanev – Functional Programming: What’s The Fuss All About?

The most advanced development talk from WordCamp Europe 2014 and one of the highest rated talks of the conference – Bulgarian Programming Polyglot Stefan Kanev gives an explanation of what functional programming is about, how it looks in different languages, and what we can learn from it.


#WCEU Video: Jenny Beaumont – How Come Every Time I Get Stabbed in The Back, My Fingerprints Are On The Knife?

This talk looks at a few of the horror stories to see how things went terribly wrong and what I might have done to prevent them. Essentially looking at the pitfalls in managing client relationships, taking responsibility for our own actions and working to improve our communication skills.


#WCEU Video: Yana Petrova – Why Sometimes Happiness Requires Effort: Depression in IT

Yana Petrova talks about depression in IT, a problem that seems to be widespread in the industry and still something that people prefer not to talk about. How depression can be recognised, how to find the actual reasons for it and why nobody should be afraid or ashamed to ask for help are some of the main points in her talk. She believes that speaking freely (and also listening) about depression and mental health is an important step for making the environment around us better.

#WCEU Video: Kimb Jones – Why Don’t You Do WordPress for Yourself?

Watch @mkjones share his WordPress know-how covering some very interesting topics for 20 WordPress talks including:

How a WordCamp can change your life, twice. How you could be lying to yourself. From full-time employment, to freelance, contractor, consultant and finally, agency.

The beauty of the WordPress ecosystem + why WordPress. WordPress naysayers and how to shut them up.

Starting Make Do, the mistakes we made. More mistakes, we made so many. How we work as a team. The tools we use to work remotely. Why you don’t need an office. Working with clients/customers. How you can do this. How to do it alone, the options to choose from.

Friends, enemies & competition

Don’t believe all that can be covered in one WordCamp talk? Go ahead and watch this:

Watch the #WCEU 2014 Recap Video

Miss WordCamp Europe? Let’s go back to Sofia for a few minutes with this brilliant video from Kaarel Veike.

Thank you, Kaarel, Seba and Konstantin for capturing the spirit of WordCamp Europe 2014!

As for everyone else, don’t forget to stay tuned to WordCamp Europe on TwitterFacebook, and Google +.

Exciting news coming very very soon.


Video: Hugo Fernandes – Creativity and Our Brain | #WCEU

How can we develop creative and imaginative solutions to business problems? How can I do that if I’m a freelancer and work alone? How can I generate ideas in a team environment?

More than a theoretical and subjective talk, Hugo Fernandes provides a close collaborative session where participants perform creative exercises and learn about tools and mental processes to use in the search of best ideas.

Video: Karin Christen – A modern take on interactive prototyping | #WCEU

Karin Christen is an interaction designer from Switzerland. In this talk you get introduced to Karin’s workflow and prototyping setup and learn about her on site work with clients and their UX and front-end teams.

The focus is on rapid prototyping, user experience and interaction design.

Video: Joost de Valk: The Devastating Power of Defaults | #WCEU

Every plugin or theme developer who’s done a lot of development has learned that developing the backend often takes more time than developing the front end.

Thinking about how you make your backend look and what you name options can save many, many hours on support. We’ve found in research amongst our own users that default settings often don’t get changed.

What does this mean? What to do with it?