Tag Archives: git

Speakers: Kirsten Schelper & Elisabeth Hölzl

kirsten-schelperKirsten Schelper is a web designer and passionate about all things WordPress.
In the beginning of 2011 she started the German speaking blog http://die-netzialisten.de where she writes about web design, WordPress and all things related to it.

In her talk she will be assisted by Elisabeth Hölzl web developer, Certified TYPO3 Integrator and slowly but surely feeling at home in the WordPress universe. Together they have built a number of web projects over the past few years.
elisabeth-hoelzl They both consider that the combination of a designer and a developer with all the different ways to approach a project has been very beneficial and productive.

Their talk will be about “Developing WordPress Themes with Git”

Implementing Git as our choice of version control was one of the most challenging tasks for us as a team. Making the developer understand what the designer (and developer of custom WordPress themes) really needs was pretty tough. Explaining the functionality of Git to the designer was comparably difficult.

Instead of throwing basic commands at you we want to invite you to explore the “Git Universe” with us in a kind of fireside chat between Kirsten, representing the web design world, and Elisabeth, who gained her first computer experience with Basic many years ago.

Our focus will be on how Git works, what those strange commands really mean and how you can benefit from integrating it into your theme development work flow.