Well, that was fun.
Also exhausting, unpredictable, warm and a little crazy at times. When we first decided to embark on this journey, we could never have anticipated the magnitude of what WordCamp Europe 2013 came to be.
This is not the re-cap post, which we will get to next week, just a very quick and hardly sufficient way to thank all for organising, volunteering, speaking, sponsoring, and attending what we hope was the beginning of a tradition. We are still balancing budgets, and gathering feedback (including incriminating pictures, yes), and will publish a complete and detailed re-cap in the next few days.
We are, more than ever, honoured, delighted and humbled by the incredible spirit of the WordPress community.
Thank you.

The organising team, after the event. Photo © by Rarst, on Flickr
Very well done! Thank you for organising the event. I realise it must have been very, very hard work but it led to succes!
Nice job guys! Can’t wait til next year 🙂
Waiting for the re-cap post 🙂
Merci beaucoup pour cette organisation avec des intervenants de qualité !
A l’année prochaine !
Can’t wair for the next time… i ufortunately missed the event 🙁
There will always be next time 🙂
Merci beaucoup pour cette organisation.